We understand the benefit of 'Talking to Someone in the Industry'. Especially during the development stages of any new business or concept. We build new brands every month and repeat this process on a regular basis. We provide access to accredited industry professionals for anyone wanting to learn the simple process of building a brand in Australia.


What is this Platform?

This platform is built off the concept 'teach a man to fish' not 'give a man a fish'. I am currently encouraging industry professionals to be part of an online industry and education advisory network. We will essentially advise you on your next steps in a variety of industry and education 'needs'. For example How do I? Where do I find? What next? These questions will be answered by professionals with lived experience. If you would like more information, please contact me - The Concept Creator.

  • Let's talk about EDMs!

    Email Direct Marketing. The greatest customised user experience. Funnel your customer to your blogs or website with CTAs (call to actions) for example view more, read more, see more, link your receiver to your articles- blogs are vital SEO. Read More...

  • What the %$#^ is SEO?

    A person sees your product briefly.. maybe they see an ad or is described the product in passing. An impression is left of a vague description. Function- industry- or design.They go to their prefered search engine and start typing descriptions or keywords that may find the product they had heard or seen. Say it a pen... a really cool pen.. They will type anything from 'cool pen' to 'rustic pen' or 'new pen on Facebook' or a variety of things that aren't actually your products brand or listing title. Using these long key words in blogs and articles is SEO - Search Engine Optimisation. Read more..

  • Have you heard of the purple cow concept?

    Your walking past a field of cattle. When astonishingly you notice one of the cows is purple. This cow is captivating because he stands out. He's different. He's interesting. If your not the purple cow. Your lost in a field of cattle. Be the purple cow in a field. Make people stop and want to say 'Wow, was that a purple cow'... Be unique. --Seth Godin. Read More...