We are currently creating user and member profiles in-house. Your profile is your product and you will sell your services similar to amazon. Bare with us we are currently developing our platform user profile portal.

At the end of every month I will send your sales reports made under your TAG name, showing you all revenue you made. Our subscription fee will be removed from this total. In exchange you are given voting rights to decide how the platform revenue is utilized. Your part of our Hive Mind.  You wll own a piece of this concept 'NFT' and this platform like everyone else whom joins as contributing members.

As we are not actively subscribing members and have released as a free plarform, voting rights and legalities are yet to take effect. You will be directed to sign a terms conditions and ownership rights and responsiblilites to participate in this virtual Mentor'verse.

To create a profile.

Please return the following details 

Username: @example

Location: Area code



200 word limit on Profile or Service description.

We will 'suggest' your job advisory category for now until we activate our customisable user profiles.

Please choose your emoji character.

As our platform develops so will your ability to customize your profiles.

'Talk to Someone in the Industry'


After your ticket purchase, We will conduct an evaluation of your needs. We will connect you with our range of experienced team members, whom will provide you a further understanding of the fundermentals of selling. Our team member's have a variety of experience, at a variety of hiring prices.

We will hold your ticket for 12 months, for you to redeem as you wish. Our Initial Contact will be based on your current concerns, questions and desires.

Building a Brand is a science and we can provide the right formula to create success for your business.